My Story

My Story

I always knew I would be a mum and I knew I would be great at it. Until I wasn’t!

I knew there would be mess and tantrums but I thought parenting would come easily to me. I imagined myself never being flustered or reactive and fixing everything with a knowing smile and a hug.

Cue the record screech and reality slap. One night as I lay in bed thinking over the power struggles, meltdowns and tantrums that seemed to be happening at every turn. I wondered, who is this child and where did she come from, and why is my knowing smile and loving embrace not enough?! I was on my knees, I had pulled everything I had out of my bag of tricks to get my child to do what I wanted; the “calm” corner, charts, rewards, ignoring, punishments and taking away TV, treats, toys, playdates and me!

I was not equipped to be a parent. I had been sold a lie that parenting comes naturally.

My knowing smile and loving embrace had quickly been replaced with threats and bribes, yelling and throwing my own tantrums. They worked for a short period of time but they never lasted and I found myself having to continually up the anti. All of this now leaving me wondering who was this mother and where did she come from?!

I tried to imagined us in 10 years and I saw a worried and desperate mother who had lost communication with her child and a sad and lost teenager who’s trust, connection and support system had been lost because one of the most pivotal relationships in her life had become disconnected. A deep fear stirred within me and I realised at that moment that I was not equipped to be a parent and that I had been sold a lie that parenting comes naturally.

It wasn’t her.
It was me!

I was a well intended, loving, caring and supportive mother, but I was parenting from my conditioning and the patterns of my upbringing and it wasn’t working. It wasn’t her it was me! I didn’t have the skills or the emotional intelligence to guide this little being into the whole, well rounded, happy person she was meant to be. I knew that there had to be a better way out there, so I started on my quest to learn how to be a conscious parent.

I saw immediate results from applying the principles of conscious parenting and became deeply committed to my own transformation so as to empower my children. This commitment soon turned into a passion and I deeply immersed myself in the lessons and principles of conscious parenting and emotional intelligence. Today I am a qualified Conscious Parenting Coach and EQ Trainer and I love sharing what I have learnt with other families.

Still Reading?

  • I studied Visual arts and majored in figure drawing and sculpture.
  • I studied fashion design and created a label with my sister, worked for a Bikini wear label and a men’s fashion label before becoming a conscious parenting coach.

Life is constant evolution and I am dedicated to learning the knowledge and skills required to help myself and others to continually be evolving. The qualifications I have aquired (so far) are:

  • Certified Conscious Parenting Coach – Dr Shefali’s Conscious Parenting Method
  • Emotional Intelligence Trainer – Build Great Minds Emotional Intelligence training with Rhea Lalla
  • Psych-K Facilitator – LifeForce Psych-K Advanced Course
  • EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Facilitator – Caroline Dawson EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Training

Some of the books I have read lately and would recommend are:

  • Out of Control – Dr Shefali
  • The Conscious Parent – Dr Shefali
  • The Awakened Family – Dr Shefali
  • The Explosive Child – Ross W Green
  • Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids. How to Stop Yelling and Start Connection – Dr Laura Markham
  • The While Brained Child – Daniel J Siegel MD & Tina Payne Bryson PhD
  • Loving What is – Byron Katie
  • What Happened to You – Oprah Winfrey & Bruce Perry
  • The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel van der Kolk



“This was a huge turning point for me”

I've been a therapist for years and I am an avid student of psychology. Anna Davis showed me how to work through an issue instantly and helped me achieve a psychological break through. For years I've been trying to connect with my feelings and develop a non reactive intimacy with myself. After my session with Anna I was able to develop this skill. I am so grateful for my session with her because through a simple yet profound exercise she was able to teach me how to enter into the feeling and create change. This was a huge turning point for me and I highly recommend her work.




“Gifted listener. Compassionate teacher. Brilliant coach.”

To be coached by Anna is to be in a safe and loving space where you are free to come as you are and grow with the guidance of a deeply perceptive teacher. She has the gifted ability to listen to her client’s big, complex issues and discover the origin, offer a shift in perspective, and then create succinct, actionable exercises to deepen the understanding post-session. From a place of wisdom and presence, Anna has created a palpable shift in the way I see myself, see my child, and how I move forward in my life. She has pulled me out of decades-long patterns of unworthiness in a single session! She has taught me how to meet the needs of my child by showing me how to better understand my own needs and feelings. Connecting with her has been one of the most important things I have done to-date. I wholeheartedly recommend Anna as a conscious parenting coach and look forward to continuing to learn and grow with her.

Shilpa Seattle


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